September 25, 2012

discover the curious city

This month, we took part in Anthropologie's Show & Tell challenge via Instagram: How Do You Autumn?


Letting Miki explore the Autumn confetti. She's an indoor cat but even she can't resist the pretty colors and the sound of crunchy leaves. Her curiosity and bravery though lasts for only a few minutes...
Noticing a pop of green in a sea of Autumn hues. This lone leaf was caught on my screen door. This season always makes me feel lonely in a good way. I don't know how to explain it, but I get nostalgic and turn inwards. Emo but without the black clothing. Follow me on instagram: @skinstories!
Autumn're never old to go school supply shopping... even if you'll never be a student again!! I bought these bright and smooth-writing (my #1 priority) pens at Kinokuniya, which imports these pens from Japan.

My favorite delicious perk of autumn is the pear. Yes, even more delicious to me than pumpkin flavored anythings, I love pears. I love eating Bartlett pears with skin and all. Yumm! I also love baked pears with marscapone. My recipe is similar to this.

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