June 8, 2012

discover the curious city

I'll be taking a crazy quick road trip with my sister and cousin up to my beloved Bay Area for my last wedding of  wedding season '12. The wedding reception will be at the Shadelands Arts Center in Walnut Creek, which I've heard good things about. Then back to LA for a bbq & party with the church kiddos. I'm not gonna lie - as much as I miss my Bay Area buddies, I'm most looking forward to the In-n-out / road trip eats! haha. oink oink.

Weekend Links:
  • How I asked my bridesmaids out - video above. I spent many a late night this week creating this. It was my first time making a gif on Photoshop. It was way more tedious than Quicktime or IMovie, but I like that you can adjust the time each frame shows. This is the tutorial I skimmed to figure out how to use Animation.
  • Cool acrylic tray DIY on Oh Happy Day
  • I posted this on my tumblr, but just had to share the joy with more people. Texts from Dog. Hi-La-RYUS!!!
  • Two tote bag DIY tutorials: Purlbee & Say Yes

1 comment:

  1. Hola junette! long time reader, first time commenter :P.
    Firstly....bridesmaid video, SO COOL! Props.looks to professional and pretty ^^

    Also, I LOVE textsfrommy dog...SO FUNNY!
